splattered mustard and ketchup!!!!!

splattered mustard and ketchup!!!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Crab vs. Lobster

both maia and nicole like crab

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Drumroll Please:the winners are,
TIE in ketchup vs. mustard
nicole and maia are tied
salt in salt vs. pepper
nicole wins
Team edward in team jacob vs. team edward
nicole wins
bagles with cream cheese in bagles with cream cheese vs. bagles with cream cheese and salmon nicole wins
creamy in chuncky vs. creamy
neither nicole or maia wins
potato in tomato vs. potato
nicole wins
starbursts in starbursts vs. skittles
maia wins
pickles in cucumbers vs. pickles
nicole wins
mechanical in mechanical pencils vs. wooden pencils
maia wins
Goldfish in goldfish vs. cheez its
nicole wins

total wins:
don't worry these are just the CURRENT results

Monday, May 17, 2010

Salt vs. Pepper

Nicole likes Salt
Maia likes Pepper

team jacob vs. team edward

just for all those twilight fans!
maia likes team jacob
nicole likes team edward
p.s. just for fun :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bagel with Cream Cheese vs. Bagle with Cream Cheese and Salmon

Nicole likes Bagels with Cream Cheese
Maia likes Bagle with Cream Cheese and Salmon

Chunky peanut butter vs. Creamy peanut butter

Both Maia and Nicole like chunky peanut butter!!!!

Starburst vs. Skittles

Maia likes starburst
Nicole likes skittles